Culligan medallist series 45 manual

 · The Culligan Medallist Plus Series® 30, 45 and 60 Water Softeners are tested and certified by WQA against NSF/ANSI Standard 44 for the effective reduction of hardness (calcium and magnesium) as verified and substantiated by test data. Read this Manual First Before you operate the Medallist Series Water Softening System, read this manual to become familiar with the device and its capabilities. The Culligan Medallist Plus Series® 30, 45 and 60 Soft-Minder Water Softeners are tested and certified by WQA against NSF/ANSI , CSA B, and NSF/ANSI. Performance Data Sheets are included in this manual for various Culligan Medallist Series ™ Softener models. Refer to the Performance Data Sheet for your specific softener, as there are slight differences between the models. The softener warranty is located on page 19 of this Owner’s Guide. Culligan Medallist Series ™ 8” Water Softener.

Culligan % Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are dissatisfied with your Culligan product for any reason within 30 days of your purchase, Culligan will remove the product and refund the purchase price.*. CULLIGAN MEDALLIST SERIES ™ WATER CONDITIONER WITH TIMECLOCK OR SOFT-MINDER® METER 8" Model 30 Model 45 Model Control Valve Type 5-cycle Reinforced 5-cycle Reinforced 5-cycle Reinforced Thermoplastic Thermoplastic Thermoplastic Overall Conditioner Height 51 in. 49 in. 63 in. 1, mm 1, mm 1, mm. Performance Data Sheets are included in this manual for various Culligan Medallist Series ™ Softener models. Refer to the Performance Data Sheet for your specific softener, as there are slight differences between the models. The softener warranty is located on page 19 of this Owner’s Guide. Culligan Medallist Series ™ 8” Water Softener.

Fort Myers Culligan will show you how to set and bypass the Medalist series. Performance Data Sheet Culligan Medallist Plus Series® 45 with Soft-Minder® are included in this manual for various Culligan Medallist Series® Softener. User Manual: Automatic Water Conditioner. The Culligan Medallist Plus Series® 30, 45 and 60 Water Softeners are tested.


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